Lanfranco 公司介绍
Top Quality Locknuts For Critical Joints
目标:The goal of J.Lanfranco Fastener Systems Inc is to provide superior products and technical assistance for all metal, self-locking security fasteners(全金属自锁螺母). J.Lanfranco self-locking technology is unique, non-destructive and proven. Industries as varied as high speed trains, cement factories, military vehicles and mining trust -应用在高速列车,军事车辆如坦克,矿山设备J.Lanfranco to keep their products safe and in service. -确保竞技宝平台·产品安全和有效.
Since its inception, J.Lanfranco has helped customers find solutions for their most important safety critical joints(最关键部位的安全连接). In each case, the chosen product must not only perform the required task but add value to the customer's operation: Improved reliability, Security or Quicker Change Outs. By striving to meet the individual goals of our clients we have developed many new products and will continue to do so.
NFE25411双开槽锁紧螺母,现货NFE25411双开槽锁紧螺母(规格:M5-M30 材质:碳钢/合金钢/不锈钢 强度等级:8级/10级/12级A2-70 表面处理:发黑/蓝白锌/彩锌/达克罗/美加力等,也可按您的要求定做,公司竞技宝平台·产品已广泛应用于高铁、动车、地铁,机械设备、变压器等行业。欢迎来电咨询,竞技宝平台将竭诚为您服务!
地址: 广东省 珠海市 香洲区 前山明珠北路388号56-301